Hydrated enough?

Water is the most essential nutrient in our diet. Because almost 60% of the body is made up of
water. It is used in every biological process performed by different cells in the body.

Are you hydrated enough in this hot summer?

This is the most frequently asked question. In this article we
will talk about your personalized requirement of water and many more things.




Passing stool regularly is also a kind of detox as it removes unwanted matter from the gut. When we are dehydrated, we experience constipation which in turn leads to many other problems. Hence drinking enough water is required to relieve constipation.


Some part of the water makes important fluids in the body such as cerebrospinal fluid of the brain, synovial fluid in between the joint which maintains the water and pressure balance in the brain and lubricates the joints respectively. It has a role in producing other important body fluids like saliva which helps in digestion, blood which helps circulating oxygen and nutrients to each body tissue, breastmilk production in lactating mothers, and semen for adequate sperm production.


Water is the best detox drink naturally. If we are dehydrated, the body tries to restore the water which was meant for elimination in order to maintain adequate blood volume. Toxins which we ingest through various sources are thus reabsorbed in blood as the kidney is unable to remove it due to dehydration.


Our body always reacts to environmental changes. In the case of summer, body releases more water in form of sweat so that body temperature is maintained.


Last but not least, water helps in keeping the skin fresh and glowing. Hence water is the most important nutrient for skin health.


Drinking enough water will help in weight loss along with a healthy diet and exercise.


Studies show that similar to sleep deprivation, fluid deprivation also plays a key role in maintaining the state of mind in terms of mood, alertness, fatigue and confusion. Hence for a happy and good mood its important to stay hydrated.

Can you differentiate between thirst and hunger?

Most people get confused about whether they need to eat or drink? This is because the same part of the brain handles thirst and hunger sensation. And hence if we are not aware, we may eat while we actually should be drinking. So unless it’s your mealtime, always first have 1-2 glasses of water when you are hungry, if you are still hungry then hunt for some fruit or other snack.

Ways to include water in diet:

Water is the best way to stay hydrated. Once you identify your requirement, break that number throughout the day. 

For the above example, 2400 mL water can be roughly be divided as 200mL/ hr for 12 hrs (Minus the duration of sleeping, eating, etc.). 

Now you can, set reminders on the phone to drink every hour, or keep a bottle handy so that whenever you feel thirsty or to be precise whenever you are reminded to drink water you can have it. Try to keep a bottle that has a higher capacity so that you don’t have to refill it often. Make sure to use a metal bottle, as we know there are so many harmful effects of plastic containers and bottles.

Using coolers, cold drinks, colas, diet cokes, and even refrigerated water is not as effective as “Matke ka pani” earthen pot water quenches the thirst as it is a natural cooler.

Other ways to stay hydrated are having coconut water, buttermilk, eating plenty of fruits like melons, vegetables like cucumber, gourd vegetables, etc. which are made of 90% water. Eating fruits and vegetables are have their own benefits of fiber, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, phytochemicals, etc. 

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